CE Platform For Webinars
Connect. Verify. Deliver.
For organizations that perform continuing education webinars, our CE Webinar Link automatically collects data from Citrix GoToWebinar or Zoom webinars and meetings. Add or import from MS Excel too. This allows you to issue any educational certificate including CPE, CE, CEU and CLE. Create your own custom branded certificate with merge fields and use it for all webinars. Streamline CE, CPE & CLE certificate delivery and storage for Live, Pre-Recorded and On-Demand webinars. With Eventur Webinar Link you simply access session data, determine the area of study, use polling or survey questions to qualify attendance and in minutes attendees receive a Continuing Education certificate. Certificates are delivered via email or automatically stored in the Eventur CE portal(purchased separately). CE Webinar Link is also formatted for IRS, Sircom & Commerce Department CE submission. Our Webinar processor eliminates the need for manual systems, cumbersome audit data and slow delivery of attendee certificates. Eventur makes CE compliance a breeze. It’s time every organization automated CE, CPE, CLE education, certificate delivery, storage, and compliance with one integrated platform. Pricing for Limited or Unlimited Use, and for Live or On-Demand webinars. Packages start at $1500/year.

- NASBA compliant
- Integrates Webinars from Citrix GoToWebinar and Zoom
- Import with Excel
- Reporting available for IRS and Sircom
- Live and On-Demand packages
- Compliant information and certificate storage included
- Export all data available
- One click review and process CE certificates
- Delivery continuing education certificates via email or print
- Includes premium support and training
Webinar Integrations
Issuing CE for webinar attendees and hosting the data and certificates shouldn’t be a hassle. Automate the process with Eventur CE Webinar Link and reduce administration, from days and hours to seconds, today!